Annie the goat was being mean, mean, mean to the Captain, so she and her cohorts were removed to a different pen. The next day, I found her in the chicken pen, stealing their food. I hobbled out as quickly as I was able and grabbed her up. She had effectively climbed up her cattle panel shelter and used it as a springboard to launch herself into the next corral, where she was free to go where she pleased. Randyman and I moved the fence to prevent any further escape. Two days later, I found her and her friends this time, BACK in the chicken pen once again. I grabbed her up and noticed the gate to their pen was wide open. I shoved them in and made sure it was latched properly. The following morning..they were out once again. Annie had figured out how to open the latch by herself. The gate is now CHAINED securely. If that doesn’t work, my only other option is an armed security guard.
She managed to completely redesign the shelter.
This is why we cannot have nice things...
It’s been an interminably long month. Storm fronts have brought longer lasting pain and agony and so far there is no relief in sight. I had begged Miss EmmaLouMoo to wait until after we went to town for my infusions to have her calf. She did. She waited until about 20 min after we left. Not only did she not get my drift, she apparently also did not get the memo that I wanted a heifer.
Prior to this my sweet niece and her son came visiting. Bruno pretty much threw me under the bus and was making over Ky every chance he got, and The Captain did the same. We had fun rendering tallow, eating, playing board games, playing with sheeple, shooting, and watching Ky practice with his crossbow. It was a great weekend.
Em went into ketosis shortly after calving. That is a metabolic disorder in which the output of the cow is greater than the intake and puts them in starvation mode. It is what her mother died from and I have been desperately trying to save her. I loaded her up and ran her into town to the vet where she got a bottle of dextrose IV and brought her home with a gallon of propylene glycol, to administer should she relapse. She did magnificently well for a week, scarfing down her grain and eating her hay like a champ, then relapsed. Nothing seemed to work. I was drenching her with the PG, getting myself slung around the milk room doing it, but managed to get it down her. The vet told me to only give it twice a day for two days and no more. She’s been battling us for a week, but we may be on the winning side now. She’s been out in deep pasture with Ed, and coming in at night to eat hay and grain.
I went out to check on her tonite for the first time in a few days (TheMan has had to take care of everyone for me lately as I have been unable to do so myself). Her bag was fairly tight so I went ahead and milked out the 2 rear quarters. That was 3 gallons. She seemed happy and went back out to nibble on dinner then go eat grass.
I've been having to use a cane everywhere I go, so I can get back to the house again as pain and weakness have been a constant companion since our last trip to town. It's been determined that the infusion has not been working. (duh). Mister was kind enough to pick up my cane that I dropped and hand it back to me. It's Cider's job to do that, but he ran off to shop for cow pies. It's nice to know someone else has my back.
By day I have rendered 100 lb of tallow for making Whipped Body Butter to sell in the online store , as it is my biggest selling item. I am finding this the best time of year for me to use it as my hands get dry and chapped from pulling weeds and gardening. There are an impressive lineup of handmade soaps to sell now, and anyone wishing to buy several bars of mix and match for discount need to e-mail me with your choices as the website hasn't given me an option for that.
I am still working on getting in fencing for the chickens and radio fencing to contain the dogs by day so they can protect the sheep. All in all, it's a pretty big order just trying to get a few things done.
There have been some major challenges this year, with much sadness. More death in the family, which seems to be becoming a regular occurrence, with almost no time to allow my heart to heal. I've also lost some animal friends. As I lean more heavily on my faith and carry on I am making some decisions about the future. Some of these include downsizing and making it easier to get through my days, and easier for TheMan to get through his when I am too incapacitated to do my part, which has been more often than not, lately. These changes include selling the goats, this year's lamb crop and Miss EmmaLouMoo. I am hoping and praying that SushiMoo will be the cow I really need, as she will be my last. Mister is now out with the ranch cavvy and I am praying he does all right, as he fares poorly in a herd situation and at his advanced age it could have serious consequences.
The grass is greening up, a few flowers are making their appearance. Lilacs, tulips, pansies are doing their best to cheer me and remind me of the promise of Easter. As our Lord defeated death and the empty tomb gives promise of new life, so does spring come to lift my spirits. Death and loss and sickness and grief are parts of life on earth and none of us can avoid them, but so is new birth, life, beauty and awe. To paraphrase the apostle Paul, I must remind myself to "Think on these things…"
*follow us on Facebook , Ranch Rustics Handcrafted Soaps and Mr Potamus
The grass is greening up, a few flowers are making their appearance. Lilacs, tulips, pansies are doing their best to cheer me and remind me of the promise of Easter. As our Lord defeated death and the empty tomb gives promise of new life, so does spring come to lift my spirits. Death and loss and sickness and grief are parts of life on earth and none of us can avoid them, but so is new birth, life, beauty and awe. To paraphrase the apostle Paul, I must remind myself to "Think on these things…"
*follow us on Facebook , Ranch Rustics Handcrafted Soaps and Mr Potamus
Oh Kim Ed-a-bull is ADORABLE! I am sorry to here the RA is making life a bit miserable. I sure wish the infusion had worked like it should have. Time for me to double up my prayers for your relief. Well, tell Emma I am wishing her well also. She really gave you all a scare. I would say Ky adores those polar bears! :) And Cider better get back to work or lose the job to Mister. LOL. Love that photo of Mister and the cane. Good Horse. So sorry to hear about more family and critter losses. Always a sad time. Wish I could be neighborly and drop by with my condolences and to help out on the bad days. But he miles that separate us a great. Hang in there. Know that I think of you often. Big Hugs...
ReplyDeleteThanks Carol Dee. I love the thought of sitting around the table with you, having coffee and maybe a piece of something yummy. Thanks for your prayers and your friendship. Some things aren't affected by distance. :)
DeleteKim, I missed you all month, and felt that you must be having challenges. I'm so sorry for you having to downsize - I hated to do it too. Ed-a-bull is cute as can be - love your creative names! I hope the medical profession can come up with some better solutions to keep you going - it really sucks to not be able to do the things we love. Hugs, and lots of good thoughts, Judith
ReplyDeleteThanks Judith. I am hoping things will get better with the change in weather coming, and time will heal my family's broken hearts, and we will keep on keepin' on.
DeleteLet's hear it for the service horse!
ReplyDeleteSorry for your losses pain; it's been a painful spring in more than one way, hasn't it.
I had some good days last fall and planted bulbs (currently still buried under the last of the snow.) I look forward to the promise of color and life being right around the corner. Stay strong!
Yeah, some years are tougher than others. This past couple of years have been doozies. Bulbs are awesome, I love the stuff that comes up first, as I am so impatient for spring. Thanks and best wishes to you too
DeleteIt's finally May. No matter what Spring and summer can't be far now and just a couple of weeks of school so it doesn't matter. Ed is a cute. He looks like a girl. I guess it wouldn't be right to call him a girly-bull. I keep hoping you have some good weather so its not so hard on you, but that isn't up to me. I want to work this summer and maybe play some baseball, but mostly I want to make lots of money. Sorry for your losses but like you say if we live here we are eventually going to run into death. No sting but still hurts...huh. Hope you start feeling more peachy and less pit-ee. I have a new pup his name is Oliver. Yup, he wants more of everything. God bless you...your pal-x.
ReplyDeletewell, it made my reply into another post so its now down there vvvv
DeleteHey al-x pal-x! Good to hear from you. Congratulations on Oliver. What kind of a pup is he? Maybe I will get lucky and run into you guys one of these nights. I've been exhausted and not getting done in time to come and chat. keep on keepin' on and hugs all around from me.
ReplyDeletehi, i went in the room n tho tori n kiko were in, n susan came for a little bit i missed u so much i came to say hello. i think on those things... Jesus says in another version, "consider the lilies of the field..." it's time to do that too n learn those lessons again. my only prayr is that u start feeling bettr. haha nevr heard the term pal-x. u get his best. dextr is coming home today. God bless
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry I missed you there. No matter how crummy I feel you guys always make me smile. Press on, danielsan!