Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Day...

Things are a little hectic these days. Randyman is still hurting, although slowly improving.

I have settled into a routine of waking up, jumping into my bluejeans, moving and feeding sheep, feeding milkcows, goats and bottle babies, milking aforementioned goats and then coming in to make breakfast and do dishes.
The pups accompany me into the goat pen to check on the babies every feeding. If I am late, they are sure to let me know.

The ‘kids’ like to jump on them and climb on Cletus’ back. He’s pretty patient with them now, and ever so gentle. He’s starting to grow out of his puppy stage just a bit.

He is practically rabid when he spots something down by the horse pasture, which is a mile from here. We can see it from the back yard, as it’s much lower than we are, and all the pasture grass is eaten down this time of year. There are often deer, horses, cow-dogs and, prior to the pups’ arrival, coyotes or cougars, moving across there. I haven’t seen either of the latter since we got the pups. Except for some large cougar tracks by the pond before the the pups started to patrol there, the predators have pretty much kept their distance this year. Its comforting to hear Cletus bark at night, especially since he does it so seldom. There is always a purpose to his barking, unlike the other dogs on the ranch, who, like most politicians, just like to hear their own voices, and don’t really accomplish much.

I moved the milk stand into the chicken shed and it’s been nice having everything close-by, so I don’t have to make the trek to the barn twice a day, dragging all my milking gear with me, and trying to move goats back and forth. I forgot, however, that the chicken shed leaks like a sieve and we are supposed to have rain and snow all week next week! I guess I will have to tarp everything inside and wear a slicker to milk in.

They have been branding ‘fall calves’ this weekend. Some of them are pretty darn big, really. I haven’t been a part of that, because Randyman isn’t able to do for himself yet, and I have my hands full just feeding critters.

Everyone is ready for spring already, although we will have to tough it out for another 2-3 months of winter first. The pups and their charges are anxious to be out in the pastures again, I am anxious to ride and Cider wants to go swimmin’. He jumped in the ‘mosquito pond’ last time we went to feed the horses, nursecows and leppies. Lucky for him it was above freezing, as he was left outside for several hours afterwards, until most of the mud fell off of him.

Being treated like a “real dog” must have reminded him that he is actually a ‘prince’. He’s been acting like one ever since.

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